Facing Workplace Harassment? Hire a Lawyer
There are employment laws in place against workplace harassment and discrimination that protect all employees. Suppose you have been a victim of workplace bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, or violence. You need to reach out to an employment lawyer. Any workplace harassment or discrimination requires immediate action. Here is why you need to reach out to a workplace harassment lawyer ontario.
Are You a Victim of Workplace Harassment?
While you are dealing with harassment in your workspace, you may be sexualized or made fun of. Facing harassment makes doing your job difficult and also negatively impacts mental health. Both men and women become victims of workplace harassment. When you face harassment at work, it can be difficult to speak up against it. Many people worry that speaking up against it can make the harassment worse, especially if the harasser knows some secrets or shares a close relationship with your supervisor. Suppose you have approached your supervisor and feel the concern hasn’t been addressed satisfactorily. In that case, it is time to contact a harassment lawyer.
How Can the Lawyer Help You?
Each employee deserves a safe and pleasant environment at work. Employers usually have policies and guidelines in place that protect their employees from being victims of workplace harassment. If you continue to be harassed after having brought it up, it is time to reach out to an employment lawyer. Reaching out to an employment lawyer is a great decision because it is about the harassment that you are facing at work and those people who will come after you and who may be going through the same thing as you but don’t dare to speak up.
Reaching out to an experienced law firm like HTW Law will take away some troubles. They will be there with you throughout this journey and help you in your fight against harassment. Standing up against harassment takes a lot of courage and can be challenging. When you have a knowledgeable employment lawyer ready to fight by your side, it becomes a lot easier. When you approach a lawyer, they keep all the communications and details confidential. They work hard to create a safe space for you to share your experiences as they understand how traumatic and difficult it can be.
How Can a Severance Pay Lawyer Help You?
Some laws are in place to protect the employees from being exploited by the employer. In case of termination, the employer provides you with reasonable working notice or a payment instead of notice. This also includes the termination pay. When you have been let go, you might also be entitled to severance pay, dependent on various factors. Consulting a severance pay lawyer will help you gain more clarity. In case you are entitled to severance pay. They will use the severance pay calculator to calculate how much severance pay you would be getting. Here is how a severance pay ontario lawyer can help you.
What Is Severance Pay?
Being let go from your job, the uncertainty about how you will make your ends meet, or what the future holds?
According to CRA, severance pay = severance package/retiring allowance that an employee will not receive but for the termination.
In Ontario, the situation is more complicated. When an employee is terminated, he or she can elect to go after the employer for reasonable notice under common law or to collect under the Employment Standards Act (ESA) for termination pay and severance pay, if eligible.
Common law reasonable notice is the default position and is usually significantly more as compared to the statutory minimum guaranteed under the ESA. However, the reasonable notice can be displaced by the ESA statutory minimum if the employment contract has a valid termination clause limiting the termination entitlements.
When you have been terminated, chances are you might be entitled to termination pay, which is a type of pay that the company owes to the employees once they have been let go from their jobs. The amount of the termination payment is dependent on various factors. Some of the employees might also be eligible to receive severance pay along with termination pay.
Many companies provide something known as a termination package, which includes both termination pay and severance pay, and sometimes a signing bonus in the severance package to entice the employee into a quick settlement instead of suing the employer for wrongful dismissal under common law. The amount of the severance package is highly dependent on the time that you have served with the employer. The longer you have worked with them, the greater the package will be.
Who Is Eligible for Severance Pay?
You might find yourself wondering whether you are eligible for severance pay under ESA or not. The employee who has worked for the employer for five or more years is eligible for receiving severance pay. This time also includes both active and non-active time that has been spent during the employment. The employer criterion for severance includes a payroll of at least $2.5 million, or the employer has severed the employment of 50 or more employees in the last six months if they have either permanently closed down some parts of their business or all.