
Is Avvo Worth It? A SEO Perspective for Law Firms

Claiming your Avvo listing is a terrific strategy for attorneys to improve their online visibility and increase their searchability. Although the expense of advertising on the site may not always be justified, it is a helpful tool for gathering endorsements and evaluations that you may use to your advantage with other media sources.

Avvo is what?

An online legal directory called Avvo serves both lawyers and the general public. Avvo also provides client evaluations, peer attorney referrals, and disciplinary proceedings against an attorney in addition to providing legal referrals and basic information replies. So, is avvo paid advertising worth it, please read on.

Avvo has been around how long?

Mark Britton, a former member of the Expedia litigation team, launched the business in 2006. The name “Avvo” is Italian for “lawyer,” and it’s an homage to how the idea for this internet referral service initially came to Britton’s mind when a number of clients asked him for recommendations of attorneys while he was on vacation in Italy.

The firm has come under scrutiny over the years for both the validity of its copyrighted lawyer rating system and its habit of “scraping” its roster of attorneys straight from state bar associations. Nevertheless, the site has support from both the legal and general public, with the exception of a few states, e.g., New Jersey, as well as the District of Columbia. The Wall Street Journal even released a statement applauding the site for its contribution to legal openness.

How does Avvo work?

You basically have no control over whether or not your name appears on Avvo’s website or in their rating system because they obtain their list of attorneys directly from state bar associations. It is advisable to think of Avvo as a useful tool that you should control rather than letting it to dominate you because the information will be public anyhow.

A “10/10 Superb” rating on Avvo looks excellent on paper and is a pretty simple “award” to add to your resume, so improve your CV and cover letter. Upgrade your printed materials and website. The Avvo badges that come with higher ranks can enhance your website’s appearance and can be used on flyers, business cards, and other marketing materials.

Become more visible online. Avvo is a searchable database. That implies that when someone searches for you on Google, your Avvo profile is probably going to show up at the top of the page. Keeping it looking beautiful is a terrific strategy to maintain your brand’s image and establish credibility.

To get more info, please visit Grow Law Firm.

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